Dum Diddy Diddy Dum Dum  

Monday, May 12, 2008

Think positive. Think Positive. Think Positive.

That's what I keep trying to tell myself today. I finally got through to the college and they told me the results of my financial aid appeal should be posted online by 4pm today. So keep your fingers crossed for me. I really hope it goes through. The last semester I attended I did soo poorly because of everything that was going on, and how far behind I fell. I am determined to finsish college though and ready to make some damn good money! =]

My mothers day went pretty good. I had breakfast with the family and my hellian children. LoL! We all had a good time. Then I spent the day with the kiddos while Paul got to work on his truck (since he had to work on my car Friday and Saturday). Then Paul and the kiddo's took me out to dinner last night. We had a good time! =] It's soo hard to believe how fast my youngins are growing up. I remember my first mothers day and how Richard was just over 3 months old. Now.. he's picking and ordering his own food. And Austin eats the same things we do - with no argument.. and all by himself. It absolutely amazing!!

Austin has started talking a little bit more now. We are working on the whole potty training task with him. He did excellent the first night. I put him in underwear for 5 hours, and he only pee'd once. He went on the potty twice. Of course, I had to take him.. he is still fascinated with the fact that he can watch the bubbles in the toilet.. LoL! And now my little porker is counting to 9!! Can you believe it?

Richard is extremely excited and anxious for Friday to get here. His class is going on a trip to Sea World - so we are going to have a blast! And he has been talking non-stop about Kindergarden as well. I cannot believe my baby is growing up soo fast!!

Joesph is doing amazing with writing his name! He tries soo hard, bless his heart, to write his name on his own without you writing it first and gets mad when he can't. I try to keep his spirits up and tell him he's doing a great job because he is. When you write it for him.. and then he copies it onto his side of the paper.... he does an amazing job. He is such a smart lil' cookie!

I'll probably be on later, to add some more to this post.. but until then.. tootle-lou!

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