Can't Seem To Catch a Break  

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's 6:30 and I'm awake. By choice? Hell no. I haven't been able to sleep all night. Maybe 20 minutes here and there... but that's about the jist of it.

I'm pissed off with life right now. It just feels like no matter how hard we try, Paul and I can't seem to get a break. It's aggravating as all hell. We have been struggling, paycheck to paycheck.. like most people now-a-days.. and falling behind in everything. We try to think positive.. but something always comes around and knocks us back down. Both of us have been kinda down and depressed lately because we are just soo warn out from busting our ass soo much.. and we finally got some good news that Joey is going to be here with us from December 29th- the end of March. I rearranged my bedroom... for a clean slate on something.. trying to keep positive thinking maybe things are starting to look up for us now. Right?

Wrong. Then my phone rings at 5:47pm. It was Paul. Some stupid lady cut out in front of Paul and they collided. The whole front end of Paul's truck is messed up. Thank God he is ok though, and nothing happened to him. That was my main concern. Of course.. we have minimal insurance.. so I am glad it was her fault and not his. Thank God for witnesses. The stupid cop didn't even give her a ticket. And I tell you... if I didn't kow how to control myself.. when she shot me that 1/2 ass smirk.. I woulda told that stupid lady off.

This is just how our luck works. It seems like we can't catch a break. And it's not looking like we are going to get one anytime in the near future. =[

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Protecting Us  

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I ran across this short read called "Protecting Us" and I just had to share it. I absolutely LOVE it!!

A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes."The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still waiting." It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting America 's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid shit and act like an asshole. So, He sent me."

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Yet again.. I'm not amazed!  

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Other than flipping through the paper to grab the sales ad's and coupons... I rarely read the newspaper anymore. Sometimes I may find an interesting article or two, but for the most part... it's pathetic. Don't get me wrong.. I do like to stay up on what is going on around my community and all.. but that's why I have the news. LoL

On Sunday.. I picked up a paper... for the ad's of course. While waiting for Richard's father to show up to pick him up (which he never did) I flipped through and read some of the articles. The normal was in there.. stupid people doing stupid things for attention, the government stuff, sports, blah... Then one caught my eye

"A ban on gay marriage may go on '08 ballot"
A constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages in
Florida is closing in on a spot on the 2008 election
ballot, triggering a political battle that could sway
voters in a presidential year. Florida4Marriage, the
group pushing the amendment, has garnered 597,000
signatures and needs only 13,000 more to put it before voters.

Are you freaking kidding me?!!? I can, alone, think of at least a hundred more important things that this world should be worrying about. If someone wants to have an intimate relationship with someone of the same sex... that should be their business. Not mine, not yours, not ali-bab, not anyones other than the 2 involved. It's a preference.. and damn sure doesn't belong on the 2008 ballot. I mean.. come on. Seriously? Geesh people! How about we put the gas prices on there.. or the fact that hundreds of innocent people are overseas dying in Iraq and they just keep sending more?!

This article just proves, yet again, that politics is nothing more than a pile of shit. Sometimes I wonder why we even have a government. It seems like they cause more controversy and problems than they resolve or even attempt to resolve.


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Determining when Enough is... well, Enough!  

Monday, November 12, 2007

When is "enough" actually "enough"?

This question has crossed my mind sooo much lately...that I decided to blog about it. Throughout my life I have always thought that I was pretty good at deciding when enough was enough, and thought I always knew the right moment to walk away. But lately.. I'm just not sure anymore.

Bills for one. This is something that I have been stressing over since I left my job with the City of Williston. It's been rough. But at the same time.. with babysitting Tori.. I'm bringing in just about what I would be after paying for daycare for Richard and Austin (not to mention for Joey too when he's here). So why am I stressing soo much? I guess it's cause I can't say "I'll work a little overtime", or keep myself busy enough that I just don't think about it. Hell, I don't know. So when do you just give it up and decide it's not worth stressing over anymore?

Friends for another. I made amends with an old friend of mine a few months back. I figured what the hell.. and gave it a shot. At first it seemed like she had really changed, and maybe straighted her situation out some. Unfortunately though, it threw me in a bind because she was to put it easily "mortal enemies" with another friend of mine.. all because she's dating my other friends "baby daddy". LoL I know.. as if that didn't have "DRAMA" written in big red bold letters on the front of it. But just because they have issues, didn't mean I couldn't be friends with both of them. At least that's what I though. Well it was starting to show that in fact she hadn't changed, and had maybe gotten a little worse. Constantly making negative comments about my husband as if she were trying to turn me against him (not that she could have..), and not to mention how I would constantly get blamed by her for crap.. that in the end would turn out she had done to herself. I was sick of it.. but as much negative crap as she said about her relationship and issues with her mother I felt I needed to be a good friend, and stand by her. Wrong! How long should I do that and continue to be bashed and constantly brought into drama by her, that had absolutely nothing to do with me? I think I did it for longer that I should have.. and on this one I was bad at deciding when "enough was enough".

The baby daddy for another. This is the same old story. He screws up, lies to me, is 2-faced, and yet I continue to give him chance after chance after chance. Why? Simply because he's the father of my oldest son, and I have always felt as though we should remain more than acquaintences simply for my child's sake. I thought maybe even friends. But I have had enough of the deceiving, and have decided I am no longer going to deal with it. It's my time to be me against him. I'm the custodial parent.. and for now on.. what I say goes. Point blank. No more catering to his schedule. Sorry bud... but enough is... ENOUGH!!!

Ok.. so I have vented. But I'm still curious what others would say when asked the question "when is enough actually enough?".

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It’s my birthday... I’ll cry if I want to...  

Thursday, October 4, 2007

You ever have those days that are supposed to be special to you, and all you want to do is curl up in bed and cry your eyes out? That's kind of what I'm going through right now.

Today is my 24th birthday, in case you didn't already know... lol. It's a day that is supposed to be special.. and day to focus on "me" (something I rarely get to do). But in all honesty... I can't. No matter how hard I try to inch a real smile out.. it just won't show. Any smile that decides to bare it's face is a fake one.

Why you ask? I honestly don't know. I have just had soo much on my mind lately that I am stressed to my max. Between work, school, the Fire Department and worrying about Joey, my poor husband is stressed out enough, and I don't want to cry on him and give him anything else to worry about, ya know? So I try not to show it and put on a happy face, especially for my kids. I have found my release lately in scrapbooking and writing... and find that it's pretty much all I do anymore unless I am playing with my kids.

I guess I have just finally hit my quaterlife crisis. Everyone wish me luck!

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Sick of trying...  

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Yea, that's pretty much how I feel right now.

Whenever I have had a issue with someone because they have done me wrong somehow, with time I let it go and try to work to an even level with that person. But anymore, I feel like I'm the only one trying. And in return...

I get treated like dirt.

Lied to.

Made out to be a bad person.

Or accused of starting drama.

But let me ask you this. Trying to clear the table.. work through your issues, and come to an even level.... is starting drama? Jesus! Why didn't anyone tell me that year's ago?

I've just honestly had it. You know, I even repeatedly try being friends with my son's father and no matter how much effort I put into it... it never works. It's like there's this wall, with a little door, and the only thing/person that can fit through that door, is my son.

I guess I have just hit my limit. Some things will never change. And I guess God puts those problems into a friendship because you're not supposed to be friends with them. Excuse me for trying, I guess. But that won't be me anymore. The way I look at it now is... fuck you if you don't like me. I don't care. I have my few close friends that I trust and confide in... and then I have my family. And those friends and family support me regardless of the decisions or actions I may make or take.

I am just going to keep my head up high and focus on the future. If you are part of my past, and we have issues.. unless you make the attempt... that's the way it's going to stay. You would think I would have learned the first time. But silly me... I was raised to forgive and forget and that's what I try to do. I haven't quite gotten the "forget" part down yet though.. and probably never will. But hey... I'm half way there... why can't stupid people just be nice and take care of the other half?!?!

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Threw with the Bullshit.. My line has been crossed..  

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tons of foul language. Sorry!!
You know, normally I am pretty good at controlling my temper.

Yes, I get mad.

Yes, I am a bitch.

Yes, I have arguments.

Yes, I am a very outspoken person at times.

BUT it takes a lot for me to get mad enough to say something. I can usually just hold it inside for the time being, and eventually it will just fade away. This time I can't though. And rather than go find the piece of shit and punch them in their face, I am just going to vent here. Knockin their ass out will only give me temporarily relief, then I'd be sittin in jail and no one is worth that mess.

For those of you that I talk to on a regular basis, you already know that I am struggling right now with Rick's attitude and listening skills. *Sigh* I try to have as much patience as possible with him, because he's four, and all kids at this age go through the same thing. It's just a process that all parents have to go through at some point or another. Yes, my son may be a little more outspoken and express it more... but hell... what can you expect from a child who's mother and father aren't together living in the same house?! I knew it was going to be a little rougher with him because of that, and it's something I have dealt with.

Is my child a hellian? He can be. But he's a 4 year old little boy.

Is my child an Angel? He can be. At times I just want to cuddle him all day because he's soo damn precious.

Grrr. Ok... so what's bothering me is the fact that some piece of shit is running their mouth about my child being "out of control", "having no discipline", and telling people to make sure if their kids are around Rick to "not behave like him".

My response to this? FUCK YOU!!!!

My son is not "out of control". He's just wild at times. Because I allow him to do so. Do I give him too much lee-way sometimes? Probably... but I want my son to enjoy his childhood. Is he to blame for this? Hell no.

As far as discipline goes, yes he does. Do I let the discipline go sometimes? Yes, I do. Do I sometimes threated discipline and then make no action? Yes, I do. He's a child. You cannot spend their whole life grouding them.

And as far as people telling their children to "not behave like Rick"... is a bunch of bullshit. My son is not a bad child... by any means. He's a typical 4 year old little boy who gets out of hand sometime. Watch Super Nanny for cripes sake... what the hell do you think gives her a job?!!? My son is very well behaved when he is in the care of others, but when he's with his parents... he knows his limits, and he constantly pushes them. And as much as it may irritate me when he's bad, I would rather him be bad with me than show his ass when he's with someone else.

Ok... now that this one's off my chest.. Here's one more.

I love my husband. Unconditionally. Yes he can be a pain in the ass... what man can't? For 4 years people have tried to talk all kinds of shit about him to me, bring up shit from the past, etc. Like they are trying to turn me against him or something. As a heads up... it's not going to work. So give it up already!!!

I feel a little better now. I just hate drama, and hate shit talkers, etc. They drive me nukkin futts!! =[

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