Thisa way, Thata way
Friday, March 21, 2008
I feel like I have done nothing but run in circles all afternoon. Blah.
I'm exhausted. I'm anxious. I'm bored. Yet, I have soooooo much to do still.
I have busted my butt all day today, and yet.. sadly, I feel as though I didn't get ANYTHING done. *Sigh*
We finally moved the shed back into it's place. We had a REALLY bad storm about 2 weeks ago, and 2 days of VERY heavy winds that followed. Around like 2:30 in the morning I heard a "BING.. BANG.. BOOM!". I jumped and said to Paul.. "What the hell was that!?" His response... not a worry in his voice.. "I think it was the shed." What?!?! I wanted to smack him.. haha. Did he really just say what I think he said? I go to the back door and look. Guess what? The shed? Forget it. It was about 50 feet from where it should have been... on it's roof to say the least. And my husband? Not really much help.. he was bound to the bed with gout. So sleeping the rest of the night was out. Running through my head over and over was "How the heck amd I going to get the shed back where it belongs... by myself?!" At 5:30am, I gave up and just got up.. got dressed, and went out to inspect. Haha.. the wind blowing me all over the place. I knew if I didn't get it up soon, the way it was moving.. it was going to move again. And it did. About 3 hours later.. when I made Paul get on crutches and come help me at least attempt to get it flipped back over. It worked.. and since then it has been sitting at the end of my house... bent up to hell. But it's up now.. and we are using it. Woohoo!!
I'm determined to get my green thumb now that I have a yard. I laid seeds out about a week ago around the porch and our designed driveway near the porch. I water twice a day and all. I am impatient with that kind of thing though.. and was beginning to get aggravated when nothing was showing up with 1 day.. haha. I see sproutlets though.. so I know flowers will blossom eventually. The sproutlets are enough for me to know that I am taking good care of them! :) Yay!!
This weekend I am going to Georgia. I am soooo excited! I didn't think I was going to be able to go with Paul being out of work, and money being tight because of it... but my dad is going to help us out some. Thank goodness!! Because I was sooo bummed that we might not be able to go. I haven't seen my dad & brother since the end of 2003. And I am also going to get to see my Grandpa & Roxanne!! Yay!! Paul has yet to meet them.. Austin too. And I know Paul is anxious to meet everyone. He's just as excited as I am... he thinks anyway! Haha!
Tomorrow is going to be eventful. My family is getting together. Not all of them though.. just some. I'm doing a birthday party for Austin & Paul. Two birthdays in 1 shot.. since they share the same day anyway! Woohoo! I'll be up late tonight making the cake and all. Fun.
The Ebay thing hasn't kicked off like I had hoped. I'm determined though. I haven't done any advertising.. and I know that is the problem. I just have to think of some neat ways to advertise it. I'm also thinking about putting some other things up there and seeing how that goes. We shall see.
Well.. the dryer just buzzed.. so duty calls. Time to go back to the real world! Blah!
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