Need a good read?  

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It takes a lot for me to get interested enough in a book that I will continue to read the whole series. Mainly because I have soo many other things I could be doing rather than sitting down and reading. But Stephenie Meyer has managed to capture me in her love triangle of humans, vampires and werewolves! I am unmanageably trapped in this world. I find myself reading a 600 page book in less than a week.. mind you I have 3 kids.. so thats pretty dang good if you ask me. Haha. The series I am completely addicted to is called "Twilight". And I just found out they are making a movie based on the book. Yaaaahoooooo!!

On a different note.. tomorrow I am headed to Georgia. I am excited because I am going to see my family that I don't get to see very often. It's gonna be a pain with 3 kids.. but oh well. It's worth it!! Woohoo!! I'll post some pictures up when I get back.

I didn't get nearly as much done this week as I wanted to and should have. It's kind of aggravating, but at the same time... it's my own fault. I just get soo wrapped up in something, and everything else is kinda like "blah". When I get back from Georgia though.. its gonna be me and this house. It's gonna be on like white on rice. I hate clutter.. and I'm going to get rid of it. If that means I'll be spending a lot of time at the dump getting rid of things.. then so be it. I have got to figure out a place to get all this stuff put away. Of course.. now that I have the shed up again, and we are able to use it.. I will have some storage places in there too.

Well.. I reckon I need to go get my packing started to I am not running around in the morning like a chicken with its head cut off. Haha.

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